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Chapter 1 Once, the sages gathered around maharṣi Jaimini and addressed him, “ O great one! You have the knowledge of the entire śāstras and you know the greatness of all the pilgrimages. Earlier you had mentioned the name of the most sacred and great pilgrimage called Puruṣottama kṣetra (region), where paramapuruṣa Śrī-Iśa Lord Nārāyaṇa Himself has assumed the form of a wooden body by emerging from a glow of…

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Pulastya Devarṣi Nārada The Nakṣatra Puruṣa Vrata, wherein each part of Viṣṇu’s body is worshipped, following the transit of the Moon in the 27 nakṣatras, is one of the supreme vratas elucidated in the purāṇas. As explained by Pulastya to Devarṣi Nārada in the Vāmana Purāṇa, it begins with a description of the nakṣatrāṅgas (parts of the body representing the different nakṣatras) of Lord Viṣṇu. The 27 nakṣatras are…

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The Fifth House The pancama bhāva or the fifth house is the place of the working of the buddhi and is the seat of the mana, representing its highest level. In the natural zodiac, the fifth house is ruled by the Sun, and hence it reflects it’s glorious persona, with the fifth lord promoting the Sun’s qualities, in advancing supreme knowledge and wisdom. It represents a person’s dhī, intelligence,…

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